Defining FLIR as a “fantastic company,” Gaw eventually got the entrepreneurial “itch” to do something new. So, going back to his roots, he took the plunge into entrepreneurship once again.
- By Ginger Hill
- Feb 01, 2015
The New York City marathon is hosted the first week of November with more than 2 million spectators, 50,000 runners, and thousands of staff and volunteers. When it came time to planning the logistics for a successful event for the world’s largest marathon, safety and preventive actions were the most important criteria.
- By Sarah Colson
- Feb 01, 2015
The past few years have been unlike any period we’ve experienced in the professional security industry. The journey from the first IP cameras to the present day is now rapidly accelerating.
- By Bud Broomhead
- Feb 01, 2015
Security in the cruise ship industry remains relatively soft, in comparison. This has changed in 2015. The Coast Guard expects to increase screening requirements for passengers and their baggage.
- By Ralph C. Jensen
- Feb 01, 2015
At the corporate facility of the world’s largest automotive manufacturer, both authorized and unauthorized personnel were coming and going with little accountability.
- By Nick Simon
- Feb 01, 2015
Recent terrorist attacks on substations and the potential for simultaneous attacks across the United States put the entire country at serious risk for major power interruption.
- By Rodrick Cross
- Feb 01, 2015
The situations that call for intelligent video, also referred to as video content analysis and video analytics, are growing by the day.
- By Charles McCready
- Feb 01, 2015
SMARTcontrol Management Software now standard on Nova Series.
Course qualifies for seven hours of credit.
HD Technology Showcase is a 2-day event that focuses on the latest in fiber optics, UltraHD, video distribution and networking/IP.
The NFL will add security to watch over the balls
- By Matt Holden
- Jan 30, 2015
Three strategies to keep you and your children safe from the prying eyes and ears of hackers.
- By Ginger Hill
- Jan 29, 2015
Scam sinks to new lows by targeting parents with fake “child predator in your area” emails.
Highlighted at Intersec 2015, strategic roll out in MEA region supports company's leadership.
Integrated access control system and biometric technology secure new Polish museum.
Leaders in home comfort and safety join industry alliance in leadership role.
One tech expert says biometrics are good, but there are still problems to consider.
- By Matt Holden
- Jan 29, 2015
Corporate Social Responsibility and Humanitarian Award presented at special cocktail reception on April 16th, 2015 during ISC West in Las Vegas.