Intelligence officials concerned about new al-Qaida effort to create a bomb that would go through airport security undetected.
U.S. President to ask Congress to fund five specific actions to combat illegal migration into America.
- By Ginger Hill
- Jul 03, 2014
Designed for those looking for simple yet powerful, inexpensive cameras that provide superior quality images.
Acquisition expands product offerings and expected to accelerate sales growth.
New metrics evaluation tool, metrics database and usage guidelines included to provide security practitioners with powerful resources to measure and demonstrate value of security functions.
In theory, IoT is a great concept; it all boils down to ease of use vs security. Which is more important?
- By Allan Pratt
- Jul 01, 2014
Discussions concerning several players, including Jose Veras and Bud Norris, and other confidential data was hacked from "Ground Control."
- By Ginger Hill
- Jul 01, 2014
There are three major initiatives for cards and credentials on college and healthcare campuses that every security director needs to be aware of
- By Jeremy Earles
- Jul 01, 2014
When most people think of school violence, they immediately think of school shootings. The media saturation that covers these shootings makes it unavoidable. however, school shootings are only the most extreme and rarest example of school violence.
- By Don Commare
- Jul 01, 2014
Every 14.4 seconds—about the time it takes to rinse your hands—a home in the U.S. is burglarized. That means that during the roughly two minutes it takes to brush your teeth, eight homes have been robbed.
- By Jamie Friedlander
- Jul 01, 2014
The International Energy Agency predicts that America will overtake Saudi Arabia as the world’s leading oil producer by 2017 and be a net oil exporter by 2030.
- By Anthony Incorvati
- Jul 01, 2014
Students, staff and instructors begin their day at a reasonable hour during a work day, but for security, time has no meaning.
- By Steve Surfaro
- Jul 01, 2014
Beyond the added intelligence that verified alarms afford police officers when strategizing safer and more effective responses to real intrusion events, verification is also able to deliver practicality of another kind altogether: the minimization of false alarm dispatches.
- By Jeremy Bates
- Jul 01, 2014
The ELERTS Campus app is designed for broader use among students, teachers and residents in keeping with the national “See Something, Say Something” campaign.
- By Jill Baker
- Jul 01, 2014
Rapidly growing technology brings both opportunities and challenges to our industry that dealers are digesting now and will be down the road as home automation creates remote lifestyle options that simplify a customer’s daily schedule.
- By Rob Phillips
- Jul 01, 2014
Hospitals offer patients a controlled environment that encourages rapid healing protected from the outside world. Yet, hospitals are open to the public and subject to many of the same security threats as the world at large.
- By Courtney Mamuscia
- Jul 01, 2014
According to data from the American Public Transportation Association, riders took a staggering 10.7 billion trips on public transportation in 2013, marking the eighth year in row that more than 10 billion trips were taken on public transportation systems nationwide.
- By Greg Peratt
- Jul 01, 2014
Over the last few years, I have heard from integrators that the biggest challenge isn’t necessarily landing projects, but instead keeping margin.
- By Charlie Howell
- Jul 01, 2014