Good networking and a professional pedigree are significant advantages in any professional endeavor, but in the security world, qualifications mean just about everything. And, it doesn’t hurt to have a love for the business either.
- By Ralph C. Jensen
- Jan 01, 2013
According to the Department of Homeland Security, more than 730 million people travel on passenger jets every year, and more than 700 million pieces of baggage are screened for explosives and other dangerous items.
- By Debjit Das
- Jan 01, 2013
We often talk about security in terms of commercial and industrial ventures, but the military also speaks of security, and their message varies little from what we hear at tradeshows. In fact, the military is quite interested in private industry partnering where there is value and productivity is placed on many communities in our nation.
- By Ralph C. Jensen
- Jan 01, 2013
When Brown County, Wis., decided to install a centralized surveillance solution throughout its government facilities, Milestone XProtect Corporate video management software was deployed over the existing private communications fiber network to increase safety for its departments.
- By Courtney Pedersen
- Jan 01, 2013
The numbers speak for themselves. Reducing employee theft within your organization is one of the quickest ways to grow your bottom line. On average, employees steal an average of $1,944 per incident—more than eight times higher than shoplifters.
- By Michael Irvin
- Jan 01, 2013
Over the past two decades, increasing crime and violence in American schools have highlighted the critical need for safer, more secure campuses.
- By Vance Kozik
- Jan 01, 2013
The world has changed. Free video is everywhere. Nobody carries a separate camera anymore—everything is a camera, including laptops, iPads and cell phones.
- By Keith Jentoft
- Jan 01, 2013
In recent years, colleges across the country have upgraded and improved the way they monitor, assess and respond to security incidents on campus.
- By Samuel Shanes
- Jan 01, 2013
Security in airports has always been a high priority, with high visibility. However, the perimeter surrounding the airport is still, in too many cases, neglected.
- By Jonathan Murray
- Jan 01, 2013
While the variety and sophistication of cybersecurity technologies has expanded exponentially over the last decade, the ability of organizations to defend themselves against security breaches doesn’t seem to be improving.
- By Joe Ferrara
- Jan 01, 2013
Public schools may not be a hotbed of criminal activity, but they do have their share of incidents on campus that need to be investigated.
- By Fredrik Nilsson
- Jan 01, 2013
Unlike other forms of strong authentication, biometrics is the only means of determining who is using the system. Systems relying on PINs, passcodes or less reliable means of user authentication are rapidly becoming both ineffective and obsolete.
- By Phil Scarfo
- Jan 01, 2013
There’s no question that the 21st century has brought significant change to security solutions. An abundance of connectivity options and the application of technologies—such as IP, virtualization, hosted solutions and mobile—are enhancing the way we secure the enterprise and helping to improve security.
- By Jeremy Brecher
- Jan 01, 2013
As a kid, I lived across the street from the school in sleepy Byron, Wyo. It was a wonderful community where everyone knew everyone’s business. Going to school was like going to church; adults could come and go as they wanted.
- By Ralph C. Jensen
- Jan 01, 2013
Just as typewriters and paper gave way to personal computers and floppy disks, tablets, smartphones and the mobile apps that can be used on these devices are becoming the technology of choice for business and personal use, including the physical security industry.
- By Chris Ryan
- Jan 01, 2013
Life in the digital age has never been better. We’ve graduated from rabbit ears to flat screens and 24-hour photo processing to instant downloads. Laptops can fit into a purse as easily as a desk.
- By Rob Phillips
- Jan 01, 2013
The value proposition that distributors can and should bring to the channel is huge. Not only should they offer a vast and comprehensive inventory of products, they should constantly strive to expand the value-added services they provide to customers as well.
- By Pat Comunale
- Jan 01, 2013
The United States is looking for better and more cost-effective ways to serve its more than 220 million licensed drivers.
- By Alan Fontanella
- Jan 01, 2013