After experiencing an unprecedented growth in users over the course of a month, the video conferencing app is hoping to address complaints of “Zoombombing” and improper data collection.
- By Haley Samsel
- Apr 03, 2020
“Contagion/Contaminant Proximity Report” available free of charge to any Genetec Security Center Synergis™ access control customers
New interchangeable countermeasure system can be customized on the fly for varied interdiction scenarios
Local security company offers free CCTV to Savannah business community
The law, which will go into effect next year, will require law enforcement to use facial recognition software only to investigate serious crimes and issue public accountability reports.
- By Haley Samsel
- Apr 02, 2020
The spread of “Zoombombing,” or hijacking a meeting room with abusive images or speech, has grown in scope as more Americans turn to teleconferencing for classroom instruction and workplace meetings.
- By Haley Samsel
- Apr 02, 2020
The hack took place through Marriott Bonvoy, the company's loyalty app, and affected up to 5.2 million guests.
- By Haley Samsel
- Apr 01, 2020
Cyber attackers have already attempted to profit off of spam websites selling fake coronavirus cures. Now, hackers will turn toward Americans’ thirst for information about stimulus checks and financial aid.
- By Haley Samsel
- Mar 31, 2020
The request for proposals for a “gang intelligence application” reflect the agency’s growing ambitions in using facial recognition and other new tech to identify and arrest criminals.
- By Haley Samsel
- Mar 31, 2020
While the extension will provide another 18 months for Americans to obtain the new driver’s licenses, some officials believe the deadline will have to be extended again.
- By Haley Samsel
- Mar 27, 2020