Like it or not, every time you spend time on the keyboard, there may be someone watching your every keystroke. It wouldn’t hurt if you knew your enemy; and it certainly would be beneficial if you knew who was on your side.
- By Ralph C. Jensen
- Feb 01, 2018
Information security is defined as a reactive activity, as it involves managing risks that may have a serious effect on the organization if they occur.
- By Csaba Krasznay
- Feb 01, 2018
Energy security, access to the electrical grid and police and fire safety are just a handful of the networked services that we take for granted and rely upon on a daily basis.
- By Jonathan Lewit
- Feb 01, 2018
Data storage is becoming a hot topic in the video surveillance industry and gaining more attention as retention periods continue to increase.
- By Eric Polet
- Feb 01, 2018
Making changes to an existing product is more than adding a tweak here and a new feature there.
- By Bruce Czerwinski
- Feb 01, 2018
Standalone systems, where certain access points are equipped with card readers but are not connected to a larger network, can provide a cost-effective access control solution.
- By Gordon Holmes
- Feb 01, 2018
The President’s Award recognizes those employees who made a noticeable, significant impact to its organization in 2017.
The President's national security team is looking at options to counter the threat of China spying on U.S. phone calls.
- By Sydny Shepard
- Jan 31, 2018
Japanese bitcoin exchange, Coincheck, is inspecting its cryptocurrency exchanges following $534 million theft.
- By Sydny Shepard
- Jan 30, 2018
Strava fitness app included a heat map of movement in their newest application upgrade which could be used against military bases.
- By Sydny Shepard
- Jan 30, 2018