Don't Roll the Dice
Avoid taking a gamble when installing IP video
- By Oliver Vellacott
- Oct 01, 2007
The IP video market is growing
rapidly, having been accepted as
a mature technology with a
field-proven record. IP networking
of security systems will eventually penetrate
the majority of the market—it has
too many cost and performance advantages
not to do so.
Why IP Video?
The advantages of IP video can best be
highlighted by looking at the disadvantages
of analog CCTV. In many ways, traditional
coax or fiber-based video systems are limited.
Installation costs over large areas are
prohibitive, and the number of monitoring
stations is limited due to the investment
required to replicate costly switching infrastructure.
The analog matrix provides control
room flexibility to analog CCTV systems,
but this too cannot be easily expanded
because it’s location-dependent and requires
adding new hardware. Therefore, overall
scalability—the cost of expansion—is poor.
Although the introduction of DVRs has
improved the recording capabilities of analog
CCTV, they too are limited. They have
to be physically installed near the analog
matrix, and frame rate and image quality is
often compromised. Businesses want a single,
scaleable, integrated solution that provides
high-quality video surveillance
across any number of offices or sites—this
is what IP video delivers.
For enterprise systems, IP video also
offers a high level of redundancy. In the
event of an emergency, the control and
monitoring capability can easily be transferred
to any other point on the network,
either on or off site. Redundant networks
allow the system to keep operating, even if
one link or switch goes down. Redundant
NVRs allow recordings to survive, even if
one recorder fails or is destroyed. These
features allow IP video systems to deliver a
level of integrity far higher than what is
possible with analog CCTV systems.
Having everything based around a network
allows system-wide diagnostics to
ensure everything is running smoothly.
Every device can be continuously monitored,
and an alarm can be raised if anything
fails. This is not possible with an
analog system, where camera feeds have to
be manually monitored to ensure troublefree
Analog systems can perform limited
diagnostics, but this depends on the different
components used and is not an integral
part of the system.
Building and IP System
The key component in an analog CCTV
system is the matrix. In an IP system, the
network, and the software controlling it,
become the virtual matrix. IP video systems
operate over standard corporate networks,
both of which can span entire
organizations. As the traditional control
room equipment can be replaced by a PC,
it is possible and often desirable to be able
to monitor live and recorded video from
any camera from any point on the network.
For example, a camera connected to the
network via a transmitter/receiver unit
compresses the analog video into DVDquality
MPEG-4 digital video for transmission
over the network. The digital video
can then be viewed, analyzed and recorded.
This is achieved with Windows®-based
PCs running video and alarm management
software and NVRs that are installed
around the network.
Since access to the system is available
from any PC connected to the network, IP
video systems implement sophisticated
user profiles to manage admittance. These
restrict or enable access for users on a
camera-by-camera basis.
Transmitter/receiver units allow any
type of CCTV camera to be connected to
the network, ensuring existing equipment
can be fully used. However, for new installations,
one option is an IP camera or
dome. These combine a professional, fullfunction,
high-quality CCTV color camera
and an IP video transmitter/receiver in one
unit that can be connected directly to the
network. Significant cost savings can be
achieved by employing integrated camera
units in place of traditional analog video
cameras and a separate IP transmitter/
receiver unit.
There are now many different IP-ready
products available from different manufacturers,
including IP cameras and DVRs
with network connections. However, to
ensure compatibility and to get the most
from the advanced features that IP video
has to offer, use a single integrated system
from one manufacturer.
Network Requirements
Manufacturers of IP video equipment provide
excellent tools for helping security
and IT professionals design digital CCTV
systems and, in particular, compute the
bandwidth requirements of a network. It’s
fundamentally a simple process—decide
how many cameras are required, select the
video quality for viewing and recording,
and determine how many days of recording
are needed. This can then be used to calculate
how much bandwidth and recording
storage is required.
Each device connected to the network is
then assigned an IP address, ensuring they
are all on the same sub-net and can therefore
see each other. Site Builder software
tools provided can then interrogate the network,
discover appropriate devices and
automatically build a site database and
recording schedule.
In many cases, bandwidth requirements
can be easily accommodated on the existing
corporate LAN/WAN, giving the proposed IP video system another significant advantage
over analog CCTV by removing the
need for additional cabling. This also means
the network can be shared with the normal
IT traffic and facilities, such as VoIP.
IP video has many clever features that
ensure bandwidth impact is kept to a minimum.
Positioning NVRs locally to relevant
camera clusters can reduce network traffic
and improve redundancy. The compressed
video can be transmitted across the network
using TCP, UDP Unicast or UDP Multicast
protocols. The advantage of Multicast is it
uses the same amount of network traffic for
1,000 operators to view a camera as it does
for one operator.
Activity controlled frame rate is another
feature designed to reduce network traffic.
Some facilities rely on processing data at the
camera IP transmitter/receiver unit. If no
movement is detected in the camera scene,
the bandwidth used is dramatically reduced.
This feature is most effective in places
where low activity occurs, such as in corridors,
on fire escapes or in buildings that are
unoccupied at night.
Searching recorded video can be a timeconsuming
activity with a corresponding
increase in network traffic. However, clever
thumbnail searches can be provided by the
video and alarm management software. The
system can analyze movement in a scene and
display thumbnail images that represent
frames from recordings containing the specified
movement. Clicking on a thumbnail
then replays that section of video. This feature
is designed to search 24 hours of recorded
video and display the thumbnails in just a
few seconds. Changing the search variables
allows the operator to sift through vast quantities
of recorded material quickly and efficiently.
The use of thumbnails allows a vast
amount of video to be analyzed with little
extra impact on the network.
Handling Legacy Systems
It is easy to see the advantages of IP video for
large enterprise systems. However, it also is
an ideal solution for smaller CCTV systems
and for upgrades to existing installations.
When upgrading from an existing analog
system, the obsolete equipment, such
as the matrix and DVRs, can be replaced,
but all cameras, domes, monitors and keyboards
can remain. Using IP
transmitter/receiver units, all existing cameras
and monitors can be interconnected; in
fact, existing control room configurations
can largely remain unchanged. With the
addition of a PC or two, all the advanced
features of IP CCTV can be made available
without the need to change the familiar surroundings
of the control room. Once the
migration is complete, it’s easy to expand
the system in the future. It is now becoming
common practice for IP video systems
to be used to expand existing analog CCTV
systems based on cost alone—it’s often
just too costly to cable in new cameras
from remote locations.
IP video allows potential end users to
easily trial the system first-hand without a
commitment to large-scale change from day
one. Even though IP video is an established
technology, users will always want to convert
to new technology at their own pace.
Integration with intruder alarm and
access control systems also is providing
advantages, as they are now moving to IP
networks, as well. These systems also are
seeing the benefits and flexibility of replacing
cable with a network. CCTV video and
data from these systems can share the network
without any problems. In fact, this
level of integration provides interesting
features. For example, a security alarm can
provide an input to the IP video system,
which automatically moves a camera to
cover the incident and displays the video
feed on a monitor in the control room with a map of the location, providing multiple
perspectives on the incident.
It is important to differentiate between
DVRs and NVRs, as both are often termed
digital. A DVR digitally compresses analog
video feeds and stores them on a hard
drive. In this instance, digital refers to the
compression and storage technology, not
the transmitted video images. The DVR
has to be located near the analog feeds.
In contrast, an NVR stores digital
images directly from the IP network.
Therefore, the most obvious difference
between the DVR and NVR is that the
DVR records analog streams from analog
cameras, whereas the NVR records video
streams that have already been encoded at
the cameras. Thus there are no video connectors
anywhere on an NVR; its inputs
and outputs are IP data, which is comprised
of compressed and encoded video. NVRs
can be either PC software-based or dedicated
standalone units.
The huge advantage of an architecture
based on NVRs is that they can be located
anywhere on a network—at the monitoring
center, adjacent to camera clusters, on the
edge of a network or collected together in a
hardened environment. In use, their location
is transparent to an operator; the
recorded video stream from any camera
can be viewed by any operator at any point
on the network. NVRs record and replay
simultaneously, and recordings on any one
machine can be remotely viewed by a number
of authorized operators spread across
the network simultaneously—all independently
and without affecting each other.
Advanced Analytics
Analytics is the processing of video images
to detect such events as congestion, stolen
objects, cars parked too long outside a
building or people moving the wrong way
through security checkpoints.
Analytics are available as an add-on to
analog systems, making it difficult to realize
the true benefits of this technology. In
IP systems, however, analytics may be
completely integrated so the full benefits
can be realized. IP-based analytics can be
run in two modes: real time within the IP
transmitter/receiver at the camera and postprocessing
on any operator’s PC. The realtime
mode allows the system to automatically
identify events as they occur. Postprocessing
allows operators to run many
different scenarios on recorded video.
Advanced analytics is one of the outstanding
applications of IP video that simply
cannot be matched by traditional analog
CCTV systems. It offers advantages such
that it alone can often justify the IP solution.
It can be expected that huge productivity
improvements will result from using analytics
software during the searching of recorded
material in post-event
analysis, and for this,
the NVR is key.