Universal Safety Response Begins Additional Security Upgrades At Florida State Capitol Complex
Universal Safety Response (USR), a Smith and Wesson Company, and a provider of perimeter security systems, recently that it has commenced Phase II security upgrades for the Florida State Capitol Complex in Tallahassee. USR provided original Phase I upgrades to the facility in late 2007.
Awarded in Fall of 2007, Phase I upgrades consisted of designing and installing a number of Department of State, K-12 rated, decorative fixed bollards at the State Capitol. USR then provided pre-engineering for Phase II of the project, which consisted of installing a number of added system components, including a guard booth and traffic control drop arms.
USR also integrated both fixed and special hydraulic bollards that can be retracted into the ground when needed, providing access to emergency vehicles. USR provided full project integration, including engineering, materials, installation and expertise for the newly designed complete perimeter security package. The project was funded via a Department of Homeland Security grant designed to provide protection for senate and congressional members who work in the facility.
“In addition to security requirements, aestethics were a key feature of the project,” said Wes Foss, vice president of USR. “Our clients, including municipalities, corporate data centers, and military bases, often require aesthetics that are in keeping with the design, color and architecture of an existing facility or campus. Because the Florida State Capitol is a historic landmark, we worked with the Historical Preservation Group to design custom decorative bollards that provide a modern, high-security solution, while preserving the existing style of the area and maintaining a welcoming atmosphere for tourists. The unique design allows unimpeded pedestrian access for visitors to the Capitol building while maintaining the safety and integrity of the facility.
"We are pleased that the Florida State Capitol project has allowed us to utilize our broad capabilities in perimeter security, ranging from system design, to component selection, to full integration and installation. In this case, the project called for a fluid design, one especially suited to facilities that require a continued presence of perimeter security combined with the convenience of retractibility for emergency and authorized vehicles when necessary.”