Emerging Technologies

Threat Intelligence System Helps Share Malware Data

Georgia Tech researchers are launching a malware intelligence system that will help corporate and government security officials share information about the attacks they are fighting.

Researchers Building Computer System That Can Protect Itself From Online Attacks

In the online struggle for network security, Kansas State University cybersecurity experts are adding an ally to the security force: the computer network itself.

Web TV Production Studio Using New Cameras to Stream Live Concerts Around the World

Benow.tv, a Web television-production studio, is using cameras to stream live concerts from premier clubs around the world.

Johnson Controls Expands Fire and Burglary Monitoring Services

Johnson Controls, a Milwaukee-based alarm-monitoring facility, is now using IP-based alarm transmissions instead of analog to monitor fire and burglary panels.

New Technology Could Help Thwart Nuclear Terrorism

Attacks involving nuclear devices or materials are among the terrorism scenarios that raise the most concern. For that reason, technology that can effectively detect smuggled radioactive materials is considered vital to U.S. security.

Virtual Communities Tap Satellite Technologies for Disaster Response

The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs’ Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER) recently matched the power of satellite technology to disaster risk reduction and emergency respense here on Earth.

Students Design Virtual I.D. Badge to Combat Online Hackers

A student entrepreneurial team at the University of Utah believes it has come up with a winning business plan for a virtual ID badge that operates off of any mobile device. The team, calling itself EMRID Technologies, developed a product that could be used in place of other common electronic ID badges used by hospitals, defense companies or other firms where securing data is of the utmost importance.

The Value of an Urban Blast Tool

Thanks to lightning-fast software from the Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate (DHS S&T), if a truck bomb was discovered in Lower Manhattan we will now be able to predict the likely damage patterns in the surrounding areas, and prioritize the first responders’ activities long before the bomb’s acoustic shockwave ricocheted out at the speed of sound.

Stereo Cameras Detect Pedestrians from Within a Car

Researchers have developed a system that locates pedestrians in front of the vehicle using artificial vision.

An Emergency Network for Natural Disasters

Engineering researchers at the University of Arkansas are developing an emergency communications network that will maintain operation during natural disasters and provide critical warnings and geographic information to people affected by the disasters. The researchers are honing and testing the system now and expect to deploy a pilot network at the end of 2012.

Digitizing Documents For Increased Security

Anyone involved in law enforcement knows how crucial secure document management is to efficiency across all departments.

Cellular Activity

This just in: There are now more cell phone users on the planet than wearers of shoes. That random yet eye-opening nugget comes courtesy of WikiAnswers, so consider the source, but still: more than shoes?

HID Global NFC Mobile Access Control Pilot Program Arizona State University

Arizona State University's New NFC Mobile Access Control Pilot Program

The world's first university pilot of NFC smartphones carrying digital keys was recently completed.

New Scanner Allows Liquids Back into Aircraft Cabin Baggage

Cobalt Light Systems has received European approval for its revolutionary INSIGHT100 bottle scanner, which enables aircraft passengers to carry liquid items larger than 100ml once more. Airports could now allow passengers to take items such as water, cosmetics, perfumes and duty free through airport security channels from as early as 2013. The current ban on items over 100ml in hand baggage can only be lifted when airports are able to effectively screen quickly and without opening the containers. INSIGHT100 screens individual bottles in less than 5 seconds to determine whether there is a security threat.

Buttock-recognition Car Seat?

A team of researchers have developed a pressure-sensor sheet that can be used to identify people who sit on it.

Future Police Tool: Infrared Detector Spots Cocaine on Saliva

A research group at ETH Zurich is currently developing an infrared measuring technique to enable the detection of cocaine and its metabolites in saliva. The initial steps towards a portable measuring device have been successful.

Five Innovations That will Change Our Lives in the Next Five Years (With Video)

IBM formally unveiled the sixth annual “IBM 5 in 5" – a list of innovations that have the potential to change the way people work, live and interact during the next five years.

Honeywell Launches RIM BlackBerry App for Total Access 2.0 Remote Services

Honeywell International recently launched a new application for RIM BlackBerry devices that enables live, look-in video viewing and easy fingertip control of Honeywell Security Systems.

U.S. Air Force, Lockheed Martin Complete Environmental Testing of the Nation's Next Missile Warning Satellite

Lockheed Martin has successfully completed thermal vacuum testing of the U.S. Air Force's second Space Based Infrared System geosynchronous satellite.

Securitys Range and Capabilities

Security's Range and Capabilities

The mobility and convenience offered by handheld devices has caught the attention of manufacturers and integrators, who are now marketing numerous security solutions.


  • Maximizing Your Security Budget This Year

    7 Ways You Can Secure a High-Traffic Commercial Security Gate  

    Your commercial security gate is one of your most powerful tools to keep thieves off your property. Without a security gate, your commercial perimeter security plan is all for nothing. Read Now

  • Survey: Only 13 Percent of Research Institutions Are Prepared for AI

    A new survey commissioned by SHI International and Dell Technologies underscores the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) while exposing significant gaps in preparedness at many research institutions. Read Now

  • Survey: 70 Percent of Organizations Have Established Dedicated SaaS Security Teams

    Seventy percent of organizations have prioritized investment in SaaS security, establishing dedicated SaaS security teams, despite economic uncertainty and workforce reductions. This was a key finding in the fourth Annual SaaS Security Survey Report: 2025 CISO Plans and Priorities released today by the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), the world’s leading organization dedicated to defining standards, certifications, and best practices to help ensure a secure cloud computing environment. Read Now

  • Mobile Applications Are Empowering Security Personnel

    From real-time surveillance and access control management to remote monitoring and communications, a new generation of mobile applications is empowering security personnel to protect people and places. Mobile applications for physical security systems are emerging as indispensable tools to enhance safety. They also offer many features that are reshaping how modern security professionals approach their work. Read Now


New Products

  • Unified VMS

    AxxonSoft introduces version 2.0 of the Axxon One VMS. The new release features integrations with various physical security systems, making Axxon One a unified VMS. Other enhancements include new AI video analytics and intelligent search functions, hardened cybersecurity, usability and performance improvements, and expanded cloud capabilities 3

  • Luma x20

    Luma x20

    Snap One has announced its popular Luma x20 family of surveillance products now offers even greater security and privacy for home and business owners across the globe by giving them full control over integrators’ system access to view live and recorded video. According to Snap One Product Manager Derek Webb, the new “customer handoff” feature provides enhanced user control after initial installation, allowing the owners to have total privacy while also making it easy to reinstate integrator access when maintenance or assistance is required. This new feature is now available to all Luma x20 users globally. “The Luma x20 family of surveillance solutions provides excellent image and audio capture, and with the new customer handoff feature, it now offers absolute privacy for camera feeds and recordings,” Webb said. “With notifications and integrator access controlled through the powerful OvrC remote system management platform, it’s easy for integrators to give their clients full control of their footage and then to get temporary access from the client for any troubleshooting needs.” 3

  • Camden CM-221 Series Switches

    Camden CM-221 Series Switches

    Camden Door Controls is pleased to announce that, in response to soaring customer demand, it has expanded its range of ValueWave™ no-touch switches to include a narrow (slimline) version with manual override. This override button is designed to provide additional assurance that the request to exit switch will open a door, even if the no-touch sensor fails to operate. This new slimline switch also features a heavy gauge stainless steel faceplate, a red/green illuminated light ring, and is IP65 rated, making it ideal for indoor or outdoor use as part of an automatic door or access control system. ValueWave™ no-touch switches are designed for easy installation and trouble-free service in high traffic applications. In addition to this narrow version, the CM-221 & CM-222 Series switches are available in a range of other models with single and double gang heavy-gauge stainless steel faceplates and include illuminated light rings. 3