Those words are often associated with the real estate industry, but the security community can also apply that mantra to the all-important issue of camera placement for optimizing analytics.
- By Ian Westmacott
- Aug 01, 2015
A large corrections campus encompassing more than 30 buildings in the southeast United States houses approximately 5,000 inmates with separate jail facilities for men and women who are awaiting sentencing, serving sentenced jail time and are in maximum security.
- By Ralph C. Jensen
- Aug 01, 2015
With the move to a mobile- and cloud-first world, corporate data has become increasingly difficult to protect.
- By Tim Phipps
- Aug 01, 2015
Walking the expo floor at the most recent RSA conference, it was hard to miss how many companies were talking about big data.
- By Jonathan Sander
- Aug 01, 2015
I wouldn’t consider myself an extremely religious man, but I do go to church on a weekly basis, and I do expect my presence in the church to be safe and secure.
- By Ralph C. Jensen
- Aug 01, 2015
Perimeter security: Just the words conjure-up visions of horror.
- By Dale Climie
- Aug 01, 2015
The city of Calgary in southern Alberta, Canada has achieved international acclaim with its annual Calgary Stampede and its legacy of world-class sporting facilities and events.
- By Tony V. Capelli
- Aug 01, 2015
Cyberattacks are one of the greatest threats facing global businesses today.
- By Lee Pernice
- Aug 01, 2015
Over the last year, we have witnessed a series of staggering data breaches affecting some of the world’s leading businesses— with each breach seemingly worse than the last in terms of financial and reputational damage.
- By Philip Lieberman
- Aug 01, 2015
Chances are, when you picked a parking place this morning, you weren’t thinking about security in that facility.
- By Mary Wilbur
- Aug 01, 2015
Five key areas of understanding for information security directors.
- By Martin Zinaich
- Jul 31, 2015
Breaches of all sizes - small, medium and large - ruin reputations and can cost millions of dollars.
- By Martin Zinaich
- Jul 30, 2015
Damarias Cockerham passed through the TSA checkpoint and boarded a flight to Guatemala.
- By Matt Holden
- Jul 29, 2015
OSHA has cited International Paper for willful, repeated, and serious safety violations.
Bolting on security after the fact is always more costly, time consuming and less effective.
- By Martin Zinaich
- Jul 29, 2015
The devices can be hacked using a simple MMS message.
- By Matt Holden
- Jul 28, 2015
Heavy hearts in the sudden passing of a highly-respected security industry professional.
- By Ralph C. Jensen
- Jul 27, 2015
Protection matters, but it has to start beyond the front door.
- By Alexei Erchak
- Jul 27, 2015