Uniquely designed for high-volume, enduring up to 300 commercial washing cycles.
Award proves company’s ability to product technically-superior, esthetically-pleasing optical barriers for facility security.
Companies partner with Lawrence, Massachusetts Police Department to install cameras in police van with secure remote access to live, recorded video.
New products and services will expand offerings for Monitronics Dealer Program.
Software for the Milestone XProtect video management software suite and Milestone Husky NVR Series.
New concept in video and information management, delivering an experience built upon open and intuitive integration, flexible customization, and ease of use.
Teenagers completed a series of challenges using UAS with maneuvers conducted within a Styrofoam mockup of downtown Dayton.
According to authorities, the shooting of an unarmed black man was not capture by the dashboard camera.
- By Matt Holden
- Apr 09, 2015
If you're in Las Vegas a little early next week, the Smart Card Alliance is holding an interesting workshop on Tuesday, April 14 that will focus on smart card use in both the government and business sectors.
- By Brent Dirks
- Apr 09, 2015
The calendar has flipped to April, so that means it is time for ISC West in Las Vegas once again. And just like in previous years, there will be a numerous high-quality education sessions for security professionals.
- By Brent Dirks
- Apr 09, 2015
Annual program honors top female professionals and their contributions to the security industry.
Locally owned and operated company providing security systems and monitoring services in Greensboro, N.C.
This designation recognizes best-in-class partner for using Immix Central Station software.
Tightly integrated with Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Active Directory Federation Services and supports Microsoft Windows 7 laptops and desktops, Android-based tablets and other mobile devices via NFC.
Tests clients for conformance to specifications.
Offering free TVs to select dealer integrators purchasing commercial television processing systems.
An official has stated that unclassified computers at the White House are vulnerable.
- By Matt Holden
- Apr 08, 2015