Allows users to view and capture live video and still images as well as download existing files directly.
Presently available as a free App at, this special hardware-agnostic software enhances the user-experience of any 180- and 360-degree analog, IP or Megapixel surveillance camera by completely immersing the viewer into the center of the action.
Freedom Access Control security solution approved as fully-compliant FICAM solution under PACS 13.02 topology.
Unique SlimFlex housings tolerate repeated bending and withstand rugged use.
A small sampling of schools from across the U.S. and what each is doing to ensure safety and security for students, faculty and staff.
- By Ginger Hill
- Aug 21, 2014
Larry Seltzer says that public security cameras could have helped the police gather information
- By Matt Holden
- Aug 21, 2014
Radio based on Fluidity, a technology that offers broadband connectivity and enables data and video streaming in mobile environments.
Dealers and integrators: Mark your calendars and attend this free, one-day event on November 12th at the Marriott Burbank.
Effective perimeter security that will prevent strangers from entering restricted areas.
Companies called out for jeopardizing the security and privacy of their users.
- By Ginger Hill
- Aug 20, 2014
Video recording and remote software downloading among other updates to popular home and business controller.
Community Health Systems in Central Florida hospitals are affected by the breach
- By Matt Holden
- Aug 20, 2014
Internal investigation reveals three breaches in past three years, twice foreign related and once unidentifiable.
- By Ginger Hill
- Aug 19, 2014
Interviews with 422 convicted burglars shed light on desirable possessions.
Program is an informed diligence process that provides end users with a degree of confidence as they choose security products and providers.
Remote Security Control allows arming and disarming of one or more B Series systems or areas.
The product can be used on Windows, OS X, Android, and iOS
Versatile PIR and DUAL TEC Lines delivers superior performance,saves time and money with installer-friendly features.